Kickstart your studies

By participating in Handels Nollning's three eventful weeks, you as a new student will get the best possible start to your studies. With the nolle t-shirt on, you'll have almost 600 new friends that you'll be socializing with during the coming semesters. Take the chance to get to know each other before the studies begins!

A vibrant student life

The School of busniess, economics and law offers a unique student life for all students at the university. With over 30 different associations solely at Handels, there is surely something that interests you. By participating in Handels Nollning, you as a new student have an exclusive opportunity to meet and, if you choose to, get involved in student life!

Contact with the business sector

As a student at the School of Business, Economics and Law in Gothenburg, you can be proud of our own student-driven fairs and companies. Here you can find everything from the largest student-driven consulting firm in the Nordic region to the largest job fair in the Nordic region. For those interested in extra work experience, companies are always looking for new ambitious students. During Handels Nollning, you'll get to meet them all!


Days of nollning
Years of nollning


We are the Nollnings- and fadder academy at the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg - also known as N&FA. We organize three weeks of nollning filled with humour, parties and fun for those of you who are starting your studies this fall semester! We, N&FA, and your faddrar are really looking forward to meeting all of you soon! If you want to know more about who we are and what we do, you can click on "Read More" below.

"The Nollning was so incredibly fun, you let go of all nervousness and just have a crazy good time for three weeks before school starts, and already then you've made fun memories with new friends! Wow, how one loved the initiation, a time of laughter, dancing, and lots of excitement!"
Thea Näsström
New Student 2017
Nollningen is definitely the best thing I have done during my time at Handels. The nervousness goes away immediately and it is a perfect way to get to know people. Many of the people I met during nollningen are now my closest friends! Truly the three best weeks of my collage experience!
Tanya Meethian
Ny student 2021
A big reason why I chose to be a fadder was to give other newcomers the same great impression of the fantastic school that Handels is. Nollningen is a memory that I will definitely remember for the rest of my life and I am so grateful that it is something I got to experience.
Idun Nylén
Ny student 2021